Car Care Talk

How Often Do I Need To Add Fuel Treatments To My Car?

Car Care Talk

How Often Do I Need To Add Fuel Treatments To My Car?

on May 18, 2022
A fuel treatment, like ours, is a synthetic, non-metallic product that releases all the energy from the fuel and eliminates emissions from partially combusted hydrocarbons due to the product's ability to burn fuel completely.
Key Differences Between Synthetic Oil Vs. Conventional Oil

Car Care Talk

Key Differences Between Synthetic Oil Vs. Conventional Oil

on May 11, 2022
What you put into your car matters. Especially what you put into your engine. When you go get an oil change or if you change your oil yourself, there’s always a question on whether you should go with conventional or synthetic oil.
Engine oil treatment

Car Care Talk

3 Reasons You Should Use An Engine Oil Treatment

on Apr 27, 2022
Our bodies need proper nutrition, hydration, and a combination of beneficial aspects for them to function at their best. The same goes for our cars. When we are “running on empty,” feeling sluggish, or having a cold, we know we need to refuel, replenish and repair.  As far as our cars are concerned, we need to do the same things to keep them running in tip-top shape.   So what can we do to keep our cars healthy? We can do certain things to ensure that we keep it in good working order to last as long as possible! We make sure we get our cars inspected each year and change the oil every 3,000 miles or so.  We can also help to improve its performance by using an engine oil treatment.   Engine oil treatments are incredibly beneficial for vehicles and especially your engine.  Who doesn’t want to keep their engine running efficiently for as long as possible? Especially if you built it yourself or had one specially made for your car!  In our last article, “Do Fuel Octane Boosters Really Work?” we discussed the benefits of fuel additives.  In today's article, we will discuss the benefits of an engine oil treatment!  Pro tip: You can utilize both fuel octane boosters and engine oil treatments together! Reason 1: Friction Is Your Engine’s Enemy There are many moving parts within your engine, and proper lubrication allows the moving parts to work together seamlessly.  Have you ever seen a knee replacement or needed one? It's because the cartilage is worn away, and your bones rub against each other, causing friction and damage. This is precisely what happens to your engine if it’s not properly lubricated.  The metal parts grind against each other and wear away at a much faster rate. In addition, as your oil gets older, it will start to lose the lubrication ability little by little, so it’s good to use an oil treatment to reduce friction and ensure that your engine keeps moving smoothly!  Reason 2: Slow Down Rust & Corrosion As your engine gets older, like everything, it will start to become susceptible to rust and corrosion.  Engine oil contains acid, which can wreak havoc on your engine over time. The additives in the oil treatment can neutralize the acid in the oil and slow down the oxidation.  Reason 3: Say Goodbye To Engine Sludge! When engine oil burns, it creates chemical byproducts which turn into components similar to ash and sludge.  This ash and sludge build up on the engine walls and move through the engine, causing it to slow down and not work as efficiently.  Engine oil treatments can help to get rid of the impurities and keep the engine clean and free of the dreaded sludge! You’ll also enjoy the improved performance since the engine has been “detoxed” in a sense!  Need A High-Quality Engine Oil Treatment? We’ve Got You Covered! Here at Best Line Racing, we provide the highest-quality car products using the latest technology. Check out our reviews page to see what our customers think of our top-of-the-line products!   We’ve got everything you need to keep your engine and vehicle running smoothly and efficiently.  Extend the life and improve the performance of your engine with an engine oil treatment. To learn more about which products you should use for your vehicle, contact us today! 
Do Fuel Octane Boosters Really Work?

Car Care Talk

Do Fuel Octane Boosters Really Work?

on Apr 25, 2022
If you’re interested in learning more about fuel octane boosters and how the additives increase power and improve your vehicle and engine, keep reading! 
What is Friction and How to Reduce its Affects

Car Care Talk

What is Friction and How to Reduce its Affects

on Apr 07, 2022
As you would expect, there are several areas within an engine where frictional losses are created, at the very minimum. Also consistent with conventional wisdom is the fact they are unavoidable and can vary in magnitude, based upon where and to what magnitude there are causes. Some vary as a function of engine speed, others on how they are caused. And while there are certain ways to address minimization of the losses in power they can cause, it would probably be helpful to begin by discussing the types of internal engine friction. As sometimes spelled out in automotive engineering textbooks, we could list the fundamental types as follows: mechanical friction and pumping friction. Mechanical Friction Let's define this as being resistance against mechanical parts in an operating engine (pistons, crankshaft, camshaft, and so on) that resists the motion of these same parts. High school physics tells us that when one surface slides over another (relative motion), the resistance to this movement is theoretically a function of the force applied between them and the magnitude of the force creating the sliding motion. We've included a little sketch that illustrates that relationship. Does the relative surface finish play into this? Yes, but even in the presence of lubrication, the resistance to movement is fundamentally determined by the applied force between the two surfaces and the force creating movement. But there's more. Absent any lubrication, if the force creating movement is held constant, a so-called "coulomb" friction is present. However, we'll not develop that concept because engines are lubricated. So, if the sliding surfaces are separated by a thin film of lubrication, "viscous" friction is observed. In this case, the resistance to motion is created by the shearing of the oil film separating the surfaces. This is where coatings and surface finish come into play, as you will read further in this discussion. More specifically, it was long believed that under the conditions of viscous friction surface finish was less critical than during coulomb friction. The coatings industry has and continues to alter that belief. A significant amount of viscous friction in an engine takes place in areas involving bearings; e.g., connecting rods, main bearings, cam bearings, and comparable areas. Let's not overlook the viscous friction involving piston skirts. Generally, these locations experience a higher degree of viscous friction than near the ring lands where combustion temperatures can reduce the amount of available lubrication. Furthermore, if you were to sum up the frictional losses in a WOT engine, it's fair to say in excess of 75 percent of these losses are mechanical. Piston Friction Let's not leave piston friction losses for a moment, because there are more salient points to discuss. We mentioned that there are likely lubrication differences between the skirt and ring areas. In fact, it's generally believed that the rings operate in a coulomb friction condition. The extent of this condition is in large measure not a function of engine speed but combustion (gas) pressure. As this pressure increases (higher power levels), side-loading the piston increases correspondingly, accompanied by an increase in coulomb friction. In such cases, the viscous friction levels experienced by the piston skirt also increases since lubricant film thickness can be negatively affected. And lest you get the impression this column is an advocate for coatings and improved surface finishes, surely you can see the potential benefits from either or both. It's probably safe to say that total piston friction (coulomb and viscous) loses are related to engine speed, all else being equal. Pumping Friction The summation of work performed during the inlet cycle and respective exhaust cycles is defined as "pumping friction." For example, for an inlet cycle to be initiated, cylinder pressure would need to be less than atmospheric pressure. Correspondingly, for an exhaust cycle to be initiated, cylinder pressure must be higher than atmospheric pressure. At lower engine speeds, work performed by the piston to exhaust combustion residue tends to be greater than work performed by atmospheric pressure during the inlet cycle, causing a reduction in net power. As engine speed increases, piston action tends to force out combustion residue and create a more vigorous inlet cycle as well. This causes an increase in the pressure drop across both the intake and exhaust valves, thereby increasing during the exhaust cycle and lowering it during the inlet cycle, resulting in a corresponding increase in pumping friction. How can you measure engine friction? One time-honored method is to motor an engine using an external power source such as an electric motor. The fundamental problem with this method is that during motoring, pressures, temperatures, and the oiling process all differ from what they are during actual engine operation. A more accurate means is to create an "indicator diagram." Although a description of this method is beyond the scope of this discussion, we will share that the process allows the computation of indicated horsepower, from which friction horsepower is then computed. Some concluding thoughts about internal engine friction As a practical matter, it's one thing to identify, define, and understand the elements of certain engine conditions, and it's an entirely different issue to address solutions to the problems. In this particular instance, while proper engine lubrication is vital to parts life, there are ways to control excessive lubrication that can lead to power loss; e.g., windage control, limiting upper engine lubrication, as examples. Professional engine builders have employed these techniques for decades. However, and on a continually-evolving basis, a wide range of new lubricants and surface treatments are providing new and increasingly-affordable ways to reduce engine friction. And in many instances, controlling the operating temperatures of friction surfaces is linked directly to frictional losses in an engine. There's currently no way around the elimination of traditional friction losses, even with Diamond Nano-Lubricants that reduce as much as 60%, but it's certainly worthwhile to continue to explore the tribology being developed by the lubrication community of providers. 
Diamond Nano-Lube by BestLine Racing, LLC works on any type of engine

Car Care Talk

Diamond Nano-Lube by BestLine Racing, LLC works on any type of engine

on Apr 01, 2022
From Stuart: How I originally heard about Diamond Nano-Lube by Bestline Racing, LLC. I had my aircraft engine rebuilt and my rebuilder told me to run 1 bottle of Bestline Engine Treatment per change. He did the initial break-in using Bestline and Mineral oil. We also ran our own test on an old S60 (T5) Volvo just to see if the claims were true. I did an oil change but used two bottles of Engine treatment, ran the car for about 400 miles. I then drained the oil, added 1 quart of Castrol oil GTX and made a 200-mile round trip. The car ran great no issues at all. I changed the oil added my bottle of engine treatment and gave the car to one of my sons. Love this stuff! I use it in everything I own.
When Should I Change My Oil? | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

When Should I Change My Oil?

on Mar 08, 2021
5 Things To Know About Oil Changes If you're confused about motor oil—the right time to change it, how often to change it, what's the best oil for your car - we can help sort that out for you.  1. When to Change the Oil The answer to a lot of these questions is the same: Check your owner’s manual. It should be your car maintenance and operation bible. Don’t make assumptions on the interval based on past experiences or guidance from mechanics who profit from the work, because the timing has evolved over the years. Many cars, pickups, and SUVs now have service reminder monitors that alert drivers when to change their oil. These systems typically monitor the number of miles a vehicle has traveled, and they also sense how hard the car is being driven, and adjust accordingly.  Make sure you get your oil change soon after you receive such an alert. 2. How Often to Check the Oil Level You should keep an eye on your car’s oil levels. Our customer survey results have shown that even newer cars can need the oil to be topped off between changes. BestLine Racing recommends checking your oil level at least once a month. Be sure to get repairs done at the first sign of a leak.  Check the owner's manual and follow the automaker's recommendations. Some newer cars have electronic oil monitors and don't have traditional dipsticks for manual inspection. Make sure the car is parked on level ground. If the engine has been running, be aware of potential hot spots under the hood. With the engine off, open the car’s hood and find the dipstick. Pull the dipstick out from the engine and wipe any oil off from its end. Then insert the dipstick back into its tube and push it all the way back in. Pull it back out, and this time quickly look at both sides of the dipstick to see where the oil is on the end. Every dipstick has some way of indicating the proper oil level, whether it be two pinholes, the letters L and H (low and high), the words MIN and MAX, or simply an area of crosshatching. If the top of the oil “streak” is between the two marks or within the crosshatched area, the level is fine. But if the oil is below the minimum mark, you need to add oil. Pay close attention to the oil’s color. It should appear a golden brown or black. But if it has a light, milky appearance, this could mean coolant is leaking into the engine or moisture has built up due to not running the engine often enough to heat up and purge the moisture from the system. Look closely for any metal particles, too, because this could mean there is internal engine damage. If you see either of these conditions, get the car to a mechanic for further diagnosis. If everything is okay, wipe off the dipstick again and insert it back into its tube, making sure it’s fully seated. Close the hood and you’re done. 3. How Often to Change the Oil Some swear by the “every 3,000 miles or every 3 months” rule, but advances in engines and oil have made that guidance obsolete. Many automakers have oil-change intervals at 7,500 or even 10,000 miles and 6 or 12 months for time. It’s not just about miles: If you don’t drive your car a lot, your oil still needs to be kept fresh. Most people don't know that moisture in the oil can cause it to become acidic and that's when the additives in the oil become much less effective and damage to the internal engine components can occur. Even if you drive fewer miles each year than your automaker suggests changing the oil (say, 6,000 miles, with suggested oil-change intervals at 7,500 miles), you should still be getting that oil changed twice a year. 4. Choosing the Right Oil for Your Car Again, take a look at your owner’s manual.  In many newer models, the weight of your car’s motor oil is printed on the cap where you add oil. Make sure you know what’s recommended or required by your automaker before you visit your mechanic so that you can control the cost of the oil they’re putting in. If you have a much older car, do you need special motor oil? Most older models did not require a synthetic oil, however, a full synthetic oil has a greater capacity to endure high heat and is longer lasting than the basic mineral oils.  5. Do You Need Synthetic Oil? Synthetic oil is designed to be more effective at resisting breakdown (and because of that, it lasts longer) and withstanding high temperatures. There are situations where that resistance to breakdown can help prolong the life of your engine. Making lots of short trips, standard motor oil may never get warm enough to burn off moisture and impurities, which means it may not be doing enough to protect your engine.  Another consideration is your lifestyle. If you live in a region with very cold winters or very hot summers, or if you use your vehicle for towing or hauling heavy material, synthetic oil is your best bet. While synthetic generally holds up better and can serve for more miles, it is equally important to not extend oil changes beyond the time interval recommended by the manufacturer—typically six months or a year if it is a motor that is not driven many miles or on many short trips. Synthetic oil can also help engines that are prone to building up sludge; some Volkswagen and Toyota models have had sludge issues in the past. This residue, formed when oil breaks down, can block the flow of oil, leading to the quick death of an engine. Synthetic oil would be beneficial in these engines because it helps to reduce sludge buildup, helping to extend the engine’s lifespan. Adding Diamond Nano-Lube Engine Treatment will also add life to the oil and will help prevent wear and extra costs. The New Diamond Nano-Lube by BestLine has proven track records and lab reports that show you will gain horsepower, life, and better mileage.  Please feel free to reach out to us anytime you have any questions,  BestLine Racing Lubricants
Why I'm In The Lubrication Business?   Question Answered | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

Why I'm In The Lubrication Business? Question Answered

on Feb 27, 2021
The reason I am sending this to you is to answer a few questions that I get often but I don't really like to share the answer for the risk of sounding arrogant or being a self-promoter.  Working with my marketing team this last week and sorting through the sales data from last year, by the way, thanks to you we've had a record year, this reoccurring question keeps coming up. How did I decide to get into the lubrication business?  I spent most of my life looking for opportunities and coming up with solutions that I could monetize. In my early 30's I found that I was pretty good at researching what was the next cool thing.  My clients were companies that you may have heard of, Kohler, Jacuzzi, Lasco, Watkins, MasterCraft, Nautique, and many other companies. If you take a look at my LinkedIn account you will see over the years I've created several innovative patents. The most fun I had was working with the SuperYacht crowd. After owning a 52' Boat in San Diego I found some things that the marine industry was missing, so I started a company called Clean Marine Systems to provide new solutions to some very old problems. Talk about amazing, these MotorYachts many of which cost over $250 million and more were so much fun to work on. These had massive power plants and the entire engine room was cleaner than most kitchens. Bright, shiny, and really really loud when underway. Very cool.  I created an electronic control system that could report how much raw water, that's water that is pumped from the bottom of the boat, through the cooling system. This was the first time anyone could accurately determine the condition of the cooling system and when it would need to be serviced.  Whenever I created a new product I would be asked why the big boys in the business that had big engineering and research teams haven't solved the problem. After all, they have millions and sometimes billions of dollars they are spending on R&D.  The truth is, they are digging in the same holes for answers that they've been using for decades. Solutions to problems are often found by looking at the problems with fresh eyes and being willing to improve on the old standby products that have been making a lot of money. Ego and the related risks involved in product development keep most of these large companies from looking outside the original hole they've dug.  That's where I come in.   About 8 years ago I was working on a project with a large international fuel additive company to develop an electronic fuel additive controller for large commercial trucks.  This controller would automatically see that a refueling event was happening and when the driver finished refueling the system, it would add the exact amount of fuel additive into each fuel tank, and then report that to the main trucking location via a cell phone card that was built into the system.   Over a period of about two years, we finished the controller and were working with several different brands of fuel additives. Some of these brands made outrageous claims and others performed pretty well.  I got curious and decided to do a deep dive into the chemistry that was available at the time. It turned out that in most cases the chemistry was very old school and significant improvements could be made. I also found that many of the name brands of lubricants you see on the shelf at your local auto parts store haven't changed for decades even though new proven technology existed now.  I was curious about this and discovered that when big companies are making millions year after year using the same old school chemistry, they are not motivated to make a change.  Diamond Nano-Lube:  After a few years of trying other products and different blenders, the big chemical suppliers that blend finished oils and other chemicals for the oil industry, I found an amazing Tribologist - chemist, that was following new components that can significantly improve lubrication for the new very low viscosity oils for new cars.  We tested and followed other quality chemical journals such as the WEAR on-line magazine, which reported on Diamond Nano-Lubricants over several years.  The reports and 3rd party test labs revealed the amazing results of higher temperature rating and much stronger boundary layer protection that is provided by this newer formula. This formula certainly works for new low viscosity oils but turned out that it also works extraordinarily well with older classic cars, race motors, and everything else we tested  This is what has been in our product for over a year now and you can see below some of the 5-star ratings from Trucking companies, race car owners, off-road enthusiasts, classic car, and exotic car owners.  The most important thing to me is You We have a great product but still, my focus is to make sure all my customers are very very happy with the product and services we provide. We will always do what's best for you, even if that means it costs me money to do so.  Take a look at the real current reviews that we get everyday. 
Talk Is Cheap - Reviews Are Truth | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

Talk Is Cheap - Reviews Are Truth

on Feb 15, 2021
I get calls all the time from people that want to ask me about a product that they read about on social media. We are inundated with all kinds of information, much of it is fake or simply misleading. Take a look at all the vitamin companies pitching their products. It's almost impossible to figure out what's real.  You and I are very much alike when we go to buy something we want to see what others have to say about the product or service. I've been focused for 35 years on the customer experience, how you experience our product and services.  I've always known it's best to have others talk about how good my product or services are.  I know I am very blessed to have customers like you.  I've invested heavily into the product chemistry, lab tests, packaging, including the type of materials our bottles and labels are made of.  There are hundreds of small bits and pieces that create the amazing product we have today. When you receive our product and use it, I want every bit of it to be better than what you expected.  Every dollar I make is because of you, all the 5-star reviews and posts about our product and company on social media make all the difference.  I try to reply to all the emails and messages that we get to make sure I understand what you want and to say thank you for your continued support.  Thanks to customers like you, we've been growing fast this last year and have experienced inventory shortages like many others in the manufacturing world. When we do run short of product, and if we have more coming, I will run deals as you've seen lately, that will give you a big discount to order today and wait a couple of weeks for it to arrive. We have had a big run of orders lately on the gallons and 5-gallon pails the last few months. We have many more trucking companies and auto shops using our product in bulk that have drawn our inventory down quickly. I've got a lot more coming in about a week.  If you hurry you can still get 50% off gallons and 5-Gallon pails until we can beef up our inventory. Use this code when ordering the gallon and 5-gallon pails, KOH50.  Please feel free to respond to this email and let me know how we can better serve you.  All Our Products Are Proudly Made In The USA Dated: 02/15/2021
BestLine Racing Fuel Treatment For 3rd Gen Tacoma | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

BestLine Racing Fuel Treatment For 3rd Gen Tacoma

on Dec 07, 2020
Improve Engine Performance & Keep Your Fuel System Clean with This All-In-One Fuel Treatment Proper maintenance is the best way to ensure your vehicle continues to get you from point A to point B without complications year after year. When normal maintenance can be combined with increased performance, that’s having your cake and eating it too. Additive Expertise One company that should be at the top of your list for these kinds of products is BestLine Racing. They have been in the industry for years and are determined to provide the newest, cutting edge technology in their line of vehicle additives. BestLine Racing makes a variety of products, ranging from cooling system additives to gas and diesel fuel treatments. This article was originally featured on Read the entire Fuel Treatment article here.
BestLine Racing Engine Treatment for 3rd Gen Tacoma – Review | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

BestLine Racing Engine Treatment for 3rd Gen Tacoma – Review

on Nov 23, 2020
BestLine Racing Engine Treatment for 3rd Gen Tacoma Keep Your Engine Happy & Running Well for Years to Come with The BestLine Racing Engine Treatment for Your Toyota Tacoma The engine is the heart of a vehicle, that is why it is so important to properly maintain your engine to extend the life of your vehicle. There are a lot of moving parts under the hood and that movement causes friction, which in turn creates heat. About BestLine Racing BestLine Racing’s mission is centered on high integrity, not only in the products they produce but in their dealings with customers. Their products are designed to boost the performance of your vehicle, whether that’s on the drag strip, the desert or the highway. They are a great addition to your maintenance arsenal, increasing the longevity of many of the moving parts on a vehicle. Diamond Nano Lube Technology Their Diamond Nano Lube technology has been proven to provide excellent lubrication that reduces friction and wear in multiple different systems in your vehicle. I’ll link to a great video at the end of this article for you to check out if you want to see some real-world testing to prove the efficacy of this product. BestLine’s product line covers most of the major mechanical systems in a vehicle. Aside from the engine treatment, they also carry fuel treatment for both gas and diesel, transmission treatment, cooling system additives, and a fuel catalyst/power booster. This article was originally featured on Read the entire Engine Treatment article here.
What is Diamond Nano-Lubricant | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

What is Diamond Nano-Lubricant

on Nov 07, 2020
DNL Diamond Nano Lube BestLine Racing, LLC Product Overview: Diamond Nano Lube Engine Treatment works by using nanotechnology to help reduce the amount of lost energy by reducing the amount of friction that occurs in engines. The hundreds of parts that comprise an engine cause friction to naturally occur and energy to be lost. DNL Engine Treatment’s ultra low friction formula helps to reduce friction by approximately 60%, therefore saving energy and increasing an engines functionality and life span. This product contains zero solids or Teflon (PTFE), only proprietary pure synthetic base oils and additives in order to give  longer lasting heat and wear protection for your motor. What is a Nano size particle?  A Nano size particle is 1000 times smaller than a Micro size particle. Most other complete oils and oil additives that you can buy, use components that are Micro lubricants or larger. We use a Nano size Anti-Friction Diamond Nano-Lubricant that fills the tiny voids, asperities, in the metal surface that increases the lubricating contact surface area, reduces friction and heat that simply increases the life and performance of your vehicle.    Compatibility: DNL Engine Treatment can be used with all oils, oil types, and viscosities. Our product is formulated for use in both gas and diesel engines. Whether you drive a small car, a semi or a truck this product is safe to use in various size engines.  Also suitable for both race cars and daily drivers.Benefits and Uses: Use for any type of vehicle from go carts to commercial trucks and everything in between.  More Concentrated Extreme Pressure Formula  Use One Bottle for Every 5 quarts of oil Extreme Heat Resistance and Boundary Layer Protection High Shock Load Protection Lubricates with Diamond Nano-Particles Cleans & Treats Internal Components Reduces Friction, Heat and Wear Improves Fuel Economy and Performance Protects Against System Corrosion  Fortifies Against Oxidation and Thermal Breakdown Extreme Pressure Lubricant No Melting Point due to the Diamond Nano-Lubricating Particles Suitable for Race and Daily Drivers Race Proven Under Extreme Conditions Directions for use:  Be sure to use during each oil change for optimal results 5 quart oil capacity = One bottle - 12 ounces of DNL Engine Treat (cars) 9 gallon oil capacity= 1 Gallon of DNL Engine Treat (Semi/Large Trucks) 1 quart oil capacity = 3 ounces of DNL Engine Treat (motorcycles/small oil capacity) Packaging Options: 12 ounce bottle 1 gallon containers 5 gallon containers 55 gallon barrels 225 gallon totes
Trail4Runner Review and Overview on the BestLine Racing Fuel Treatment | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

Trail4Runner Review and Overview on the BestLine Racing Fuel Treatment

on Oct 26, 2020
BestLine’s All-In-One Fuel Treatment + Diamond Nano-Lube Review: Increase Fuel Economy & Reduce Emissions on All Your Vehicles I have always been a believer in fuel treatments. In my opinion, it works best on higher mileage cars but can still help with new ones as well. BestLine Racing has been around for years and is always in search of bettering their products. Their products are made in the USA which is getting harder and harder to find these days. They use Diamond Nano-Lube in their products which have been tested for over 6 years in the metal cutting sectors. They have done rigorous testing on their products to make sure it meets and exceeds expectations. You can see a video here from SnailTrail4x4 about BestLine’s Engine Oil Treatment and how great it works. Just that video alone gives me a great appreciation for the company and seeing great test results. They are so confident in their product they don’t mind others putting their products to the test. I am at 25k miles on my 2018 4Runner. I recently made an 800-mile round trip road trip so I tested it out. I drive my 4Runner hard as I like to have fun, but I have had no engine issues thus far.  Read the Full Trail 4Runner Fuel Treatment Review
Introducing Diamond Nano-Lube Oil Additive Technology | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

Introducing Diamond Nano-Lube Oil Additive Technology

on Sep 14, 2020
BestLine Racing Launches Diamond Nano-Lube Oil Additive Technology An Anti-Scuffing And Ultra-Low Friction Technology Diamond nano-particle, or nanodiamond technology, used in the production of lubricating oil, is a cutting-edge solution to scuffing, wear and friction issues in vehicle engines. Diamond nano-particle additives have been proven to maximize lubricant performance. But before you write these additives off as just another marketing ploy, you should know that their numerous benefits are backed by extensive, leading research in the field of nanotechnology. BestLine Racing is proud to offer our Diamond Nano-Lube oil for high-performance gas and diesel engines. This ultra-low friction surface technology minimizes scuffing, friction and wear, and also improves the performance of low viscosity oils such as 0W-20 oils. What are Nanodiamonds? So, what exactly are nanodiamonds? Diamond nanoparticles are extremely small-sized particles of diamonds typically formed by detonation - graphitic carbon is briefly exposed to high temperatures, causing an explosion and synthesizing the particles. They undergo certain processes after detonation before they become the nanodiamond particles used in engine lube. The average particle size used in lubricants is between 4 to 6 nanometer (nm).    Experimental studies have shown that these versatile particles, when added to engine lubricating oils, are scuffing-resistant and boast superior antiwear and antifriction properties, making them excellent additives for lubricants used in cars, motorcycles, race engines and other vehicles. Benefits of Diamond Nanoparticles in Oil #1. Minimizes Scuffing, Wear and Friction Nanodiamond additives significantly reduce scuffing, friction and wear between moving parts in an engine by acting as nanoscale ball bearings between approaching surfaces. Also, the robust, protective tribofilm - fortified by the nanodiamond particles and formed between surfaces - significantly reduces scuffing, having a micro-polishing effect on surfaces, and minimize wear and friction between moving parts. #2. Fuel Economy This reduction in friction and mechanical wear is particularly important in terms of fuel economy when you consider that an increase in wear and friction directly leads to energy loss while operating your vehicle. This, in turn, means higher fuel costs. Using diamond nano-lube oil in your engine enhances and extends the service life of your vehicle, improves fuel efficiency and boosts fuel savings. #3. Heat Protector Research shows that diamond nanoparticle additives boost thermal conductivity of  lubricants; in other words, they improve heat transfer, reducing heat build-up and protecting your engine from overheating. This optimizes the performance of your vehicle and protects engine parts from costly, premature wear. #4. Eco-Friendly Additive There are different types of additives for engine lubricants which enhance lubricant performance. However, not all are safe for the environment. Nanodiamonds, which are made from carbon, are environmentally friendly. Also, with its fuel-efficiency advantage, diamond nano-lube oil directly reduces CO2 emissions, making them a great option for eco-conscious consumers. BestLine Racing Diamond Nano-Lube Technology VS Nissan DLC Coating While the many benefits of nanodiamonds in engine lubricating oil are undeniable, few lubricant manufacturers have caught up with this new innovation. Nissan offers a product which uses a similar technology - their hydrogen-free diamond-like carbon (DLC)*1 coating with special oil. While similar to the top-grade nano-lube oil we offer, the Nissan product is much more expensive. We guarantee that our prices are the best you will find anywhere, and we only use high-quality, high-performance nanodiamond additives, able to handle extreme pressure.  For more information about BestLine Racing’s Diamond Nano-Lube oil, give us a call today.
Ultra-Low Friction Diamond Nano-Lubricant Explained | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

Ultra-Low Friction Diamond Nano-Lubricant Explained

on Aug 20, 2020
Ultra-Low Friction Diamond Nano-Lubricant Explained Energy is lost due to friction that arises between the hundreds of parts that comprise an engine. This ultra-low friction technology uses nanotechnology in order to reduce friction.Reducing friction by approximately 60% compared to conventional engines, by forming an ultra-low friction film on top of the Diamond Nano-coating. The Diamond Nano-Lube along with our other proprietary pure synthetic base oils and additives provide longer-lasting wear and heat protection for your motor.The nano-size particles fill the tiny voids and valleys called asperities, this creates a mirror-smooth surface that attracts the lubricating oil and holds it in place.Our Diamond Nano-Lube works to prevent wear by reducing the coefficient of friction. This is turn reduces heat, releasing power and reducing wear.A few major automotive manufactures are finally starting to realize these same results on their high-performance engines that require Zero Viscosity Oils to meet the new EPA demands.Our Diamond Nano-Lube additives help to prevent the damage caused by the low viscosity oils and the thermal breakdown caused by the excessive heat generated.
Engine Treatment Works on Just about Everything | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

Engine Treatment Works on Just about Everything

on Aug 20, 2020
Engine Treatment Works on Just about Everything I pay attention to my equipment, my cars, motorcycles, bikes, generators, and anything that I want to last. I use our new Engine Treatment on everything, I know it's designed for engines but it works great on anything you want to last.  My chemist and I found ways to reduce the effects of moisture in the crankcase that causes the oil to go acidic and that's what causes the additives in all oils to oxidize and reduce their effectiveness. Our new Diamond Nano-Lube chemistry embeds itself into the metal and keeps the moisture out while reducing friction and heat. Extend Performance For Every Engine You Own This also benefits bike chains and anything else you want to lubricate and protect so you can save your money instead of wasting it on fuel and repairs. On another note, I know a lot of you have been waiting for us to produce more power train products, transmission additives, and other items.  I have decided to hold off until our supply chain levels off. We are selling record amounts of Engine and Fuel Treatments thanks to many trucking companies that have discovered how beneficial our products are for them. We are producing and selling a lot of our Engine Treatment in 5-gallon and 1-gallon containers since they are much easier to fill and cost less to package the pricing is really terrific that we are passing along to you. Lingering issues related to COVID-19 have slowed things down in many areas so I decided to make sure we can keep an adequate supply of Engine and Fuel Treatments and not produce anything else until we know the supply chain is stable. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime I can be of service. Oh! one more thing. We are on, eBay, and Wish now. You will notice on our website and the other sales channels that we are offering Free Shipping on any amount of Engine Treatment. Yes, even one bottle with Free Shipping!
The Big Secret | Racing Additives

Car Care Talk

The Big Secret

on Jun 14, 2018
Life Extension for your car. See posts and other ideas with proof that it works.